The embriodery tells a tale - but I was unable to get the whole piece of it.
Lantern and part of the embriodery which was hung at the sliding doors.
Caught Mum's cheeky face when I was trying to take pictures of the reflection of the lighted up red bulbs. XD Looks photoshopped doesn't it? Well, it is NOT photoshop.
Someone had been buying numbers and somehow, none of it got into the good numbers. So, the papers were thrown into a stack of rubbish/dried leaves. For burning.
PS: Opening burning in villages is somehow alright. @@
I love this picture a lot. Because it somehow looks so soothing - with greens. The flowers are gorgeous. The shape of the tree where the seeds are is also very pretty - like little stairs.
The ripe and unripe.
I find this very relaxing. It is as if you are resting under a tree which is shading you from the blazing sun. Ah~
The pretty purplish orchid I caught when the wind was blowing.